Stretch Mark Treatments
Stretch Mark Treatments at Rajeunir Medical Spa
One of the most in-demand treatments at Rajeunir is laser stretch mark reduction. Laser Stretch Mark Reduction is a non-invasive procedure that can minimize the appearance of stretch marks that form on the stomach, thighs, upper arms, buttocks, back and breasts.
Benefits of stretch mark treatments
- Reduce the appearance of stratch marks in just a few sessions
- FDA Approved for various skin colors and types
- Can create new skin, making stretch marks less noticeable with each treatments
- Reduces the appearance of stretch marks (new and old)
- Minimal down time
We can’t tell you right now since the number of sessions you need depends on the depth of your stretch marks and your skin color. Clinical studies have demonstrated “the ablative fractional resurfacing laser was effective in the clinical improvement of striae distensae,” in participants who underwent only 3 treatments. Typically, treatment programs consist of 3 to 6 treatments, spaced out every 6 weeks. Our laser treatment for stretch mark removal can be performed in our clinic in as little as 10 minutes but may require up to 1 hour depending on the severity as well as the location of the stretch marks. Visit our clinic for a free consultation to find out how many sessions you need.
No, but our Laser stretch mark reduction method creates new skin from the inside. This can cause stretch marks to fade more and more with each treatment. Typically, the more sessions you have, the lighter the marks become.
As mentioned earlier, it’s best that you come in for a free consultation to find out how much you’ll need to shell out. The price per session depends on the coverage area and the number of sessions that you require. During the consultation, we’ll also let you know about easy payment options.
If you are looking for ways on how to get rid of stretch marks, stop. Once stretch marks form, they are there for good. But you can diminish the appearance of stretch marks. Natural stretch mark remedies are ineffective and have no clinical support. Effective stretch mark treatments involve laser technologies used in combination with other non-invasive treatments.
Before & After Stretch Mark Treatments