Remove Spider Leg Veins with Laser Leg Vein Treatment. Get your legs ready for summer!
Do you suffer from spider leg veins? Spider leg veins are thread-like veins on the surface of the skin, most commonly on the legs and face, but may also be found elsewhere on the body. These veins will never become the large bulging varicose veins. Early treatments included radio waves and support stockings delivering varying degrees of success. The drawbacks to these older treatments include scarring, recovery time, cost and poor results. At Rajeunir Medical Spa we have chosen the latest advances in laser technology for leg vein treatment; a proven procedure that is non-invasive, non-surgical, safe and effective, with minimal risk to the skin. Rajeunir Medical Spa uses only FDA-approved technology. Lasers and advanced light systems have been used safely on millions of patients of all ages worldwide. These systems treat only the targeted spots, leaving the surrounding tissue intact.
Introduced in 1999, the YAG laser is the first laser that has been FDA approved for use on all skin tones including darker skin types and people who are actively tanning. The YAG system achieves this by using a combination of consistent wave lengths, long pulses and safer therapeutic energies, thus making it unique from other laser systems.
For more details, visit our procedure page: www.rmedspa.com/medical-spa-procedures/#leg-vein-treatment